Have Your Say - Get involved in your GP Practice

*** Our PPG meeting is cancelled this evening, we will let you know a new date as soon as possible ***

New Road Surgery is relaunching the Patient Participation Group (PPG) which is open to every registered patient on the GP practice list and we encourage representatives of all ages, gender, ethnicities and disabilities who have an interest in healthcare services to get involved.

How does the PPG work?

The PPG comprises of a volunteer Chair and Secretary who along with practice representatives will meet either virtually or in person up to four times a year providing a platform for valuable input into the delivery of local healthcare services. Minutes of the meetings, events and key healthcare updates will be posted on the dedicated PPG section of the practice website.

What are the key benefits of an effective PPG?

  • To encouraging opportunities to build good relationships between the practice and patients by communicating the patient experience, providing  constructive feedback and working collaboratively to improve services and facilities for the patient community.
  • To raise awareness of healthcare incentives and campaigns to benefit the population, providing information and knowledge around innovations which aim to improve healthcare services
  • Developing mutually supportive networks for patients and the practice



How to get involved?

Any patient can register their interest in joining the PPG group. 

Joining a Patient Participation Group can be a very positive experience. By getting involved you will be helping your practice to shape and grow healthcare services for the future